Well that's a fine pickle then isn't it! Where did June go to I hear you ask? Why haven't there been any updates recently?
You may remember my brief mention of having a niggling back problem at Stoneleigh in May. Well, it's turned out to be slightly more than a niggle - I've got 2 collapsed discs which has pretty much kept me off work and out of the Mojo for the last couple of months. Just as I get on the road, and just as the sun starts shining, this has to go and happen.

This is my MRI scan, and those who know about such things will instantly notice that the discs between L4-L5 and L5-S1 have burst and are not looking too healthy. The good news is that I am now on the mend and I'm hoping it won't be too long before I can get back to normal. I'm currently receiving physiotherapy which has proved to be a great success and I've got an appointment at the hospital this Friday to work out what to do next. I'm hoping that I'll be able to cut back on the 36 pills I currently take each day to manage the pain, but we'll wait and see.
I did manage one short trip out in the Mojo recently (ironically to see the physiotherapist and GP!) just to see if I was able to do so, and it was an absolute blast! Flippin' painful and a little ill-conceived perhaps, but a blast nonetheless. I was going to take the tintop, but the sun was shining and the pain was manageable so I thought 'Why the hell not!'. I've also spent some time fiddling with the seat foams to try and make them as comfortable as possible which really helped, but I think its going to be a few more weeks before I can realy go out and enjoy myself again. And by then it'll be raining probably. <sigh>
